Ecommerce SiteEcommerce Site

Ecommerce Site

About This Project

This template is part of The Odin Project React curriculum You will notice a checkout area if you decide to go through te motions of the website, it does not submit anything, it clears the cart. Engaging in this project introduced me to many new concepts within React. I dove headfirst into the useContext hook and scoured the React documentation to gain what I believe is a working grasp of its uses. In the end, I am happy with the outcome. The goal was to create something purposely generic and minimal, and I believe that’s what I have achieved.


This project was rather large and with that came some challenges: for one I struggled a bit with sharing state between components and pages, I failed to realize that the concept I was inventing in my head and almost in my code already existed in the form of useContex... Once that was out of the way I found some difficulty in positioniing certain elements exactly where I wanted them so they looked presentable both on desktop and mobile but a few tailwind size adjustements sorted that out.